
Webinar Recording Access: Registrants for each upcoming webinar will receive a follow-up email with a link to the recording within a week after the live webinar. The email will contain a link to the self-reported PDH certificate and a link to the presentation slides, if made available by the presenter.

Have an idea for a webinar or know a good speaker with a story to tell? AWRA is looking for webinar presenters and topics. Email your suggestions to [email protected] with the following: speaker's name, affiliation, email/mobile phone, topic, and why you think it's important and appealing to AWRA members. Self-nominations are accepted!

Upcoming Webinars

September 18, 2024

WEBINAR: Are You Driving Your Career or Simply Along for the Ride?

This webinar provides the information you need to develop your career strategy, and more!

Past Webinars

August 21, 2024

WEBINAR: Navigating the channel: A student's perspective on water resources

This engaging webinar series explores student development and strategies to overcome disparities...

July 24, 2024

WEBINAR: North American Great Lakes

This webinar will explore the North American Great Lakes...

July 17, 2024

WEBINAR: Outcomes and Motivations of Student Researchers in a CBEMR Project

This webinar will explain key points in engaging professionals and students towards meaningful and lasting collaborations...

June 12, 2024

WEBINAR: Developing Community-Based Environmental Monitoring Research as Curriculum

This webinar will describe the many machinations of curriculum & community-based research projects...

May 15, 2024

WEBINAR: Building Capacity for Assessment and Prediction of Post-wildfire Water Availability

This webinar will describe recent advances in understanding critical drivers of post-fire water quality gleaned from analyses...

April 3, 2024

WEBINAR: Preventing Water Conflict & Promoting Water Cooperation in Transboundary Basins

The webinar will focus on water conflict, cooperation, and diplomacy...

March 20, 2024

WEBINAR: What You Need to Know About Microplastics in Our Waters

This webinar will provide updates on the regulatory landscape, consumer knowledge and attitudes about microplastics in their drinking water...

February 21, 2024

WEBINAR: Breaking Silos and Building Bridges in the WEF Nexus

The webinar highlights the vital role of young professionals in shaping the future of the water sector...

January 17, 2024

WEBINAR: The Inclusion Habit

This webinar will showcase how daily activities, commitment devices, and social accountability can...

November 15, 2023

WEBINAR: Actionable Steps for DEI Integration in the Water and Science Community

This webinar will present processes with which you may begin to align your organization...

October 18, 2023

WEBINAR: What’s New In Publishing with the Journal of American Water Resources (JAWRA)

This webinar will highlight the publishing process (& its benefits) in JAWRA...

September 20, 2023

WEBINAR: From Forests to Faucets: Resilient Forests and Water Supplies

This webinar will share insight into why it matters to invest in forest and watershed health...

August 30, 2023

WEBINAR SERIES: Soft Skills for Scientists

This webinar series will help scientists uncover their soft skills for leadership development...

August 16, 2023

WEBINAR: JAWRA Author Workshop

The JAWRA Author Workshop will provide insights into...

June 21, 2023

WEBINAR: Protecting Drinking Water Sources through Collaborative Planning and Management

This webinar will highlight source water protection as part of the multiple barrier approach to protect drinking water...


Students, professionals, and others in the water resources management community can network with peers, participate in multi-disciplinary educational programs, and present research and thought leadership at any of AWRA's conferences.

Learn More


AWRA makes learning about innovative topics and the latest information on water resources management convenient and affordable. Offered free for members, and $25.00 each for non-members, AWRA webinars are viewable live or as recordings to give you on-demand learning to fit your schedule and professional development needs. 

Learn More


If you actively engage in our community, your career and organization will benefit. We offer multiple opportunities for engagement via conferences, social media, webinars, committees and publications.

TEL • (540) 687-8390 | FAX • (540) 687-8395


The majority of images on our website were donated by Gary Whitton at ultimateplaces.com.