AWRA’s Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Professional Development Scholarship

The 2024 application period is closed. Information about the 2025 application will be posted later this year. 

The American Water Resources Association (AWRA) prides itself on providing multi-disciplinary community, conversation, and connection in the field of water resources. We are committed to diversity, equity, and inclusion in our membership and programs and realize that there are systemic barriers to entrance in the water resources field.

To help address and remove these barriers, AWRA’s Board of Directors has established a Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Professional Development Scholarship that provides a one-year association membership and complimentary conference registration to each of up to three scholarship winners from under-represented groups in the water resources field. It is our intent to continue to offer this scholarship each year.

Goal: Bring diverse perspectives and support career advancement of under-represented professionals in the field of water resources, and increase representation in AWRA.

The Benefits
: Each year, up to three scholarship winners will each receive one-year of AWRA professional membership and one free conference registration of their choice. In addition, scholarship winners will be matched with a mentor from among AWRA’s leadership ranks, such as a board member, committee chair, or state section chair.

Membership benefits include a subscription to Water Resources IMPACT magazine, a subscription to the Journal of the American Water Resources Association (JAWRA), free registration for webinars, membership and leadership opportunities in AWRA’s committees, as well as access to the career center and membership directory.

Award Criteria & Eligibility

Water resources graduate students, post-docs, and professionals who identify with one or more of the following are eligible:
  • Black, Indigenous, and People of Color (BIPOC), LGBTQ individuals, and persons with disabilities.
  • AWRA is looking to support individuals who are entering the water resources field as young professionals (age 30 and under) or entering the field as a career change.
  • The scholarship winner need not be a current AWRA member.
  • Requirement: All scholarship winners must present in a technical session at the 2024 Joint Water Resources Conference and be present at the Awards Ceremony.

Scholarship Winner Commitment

The scholarship winner must commit to complete at least two of the following six activities before the end of their year-long membership. The winner must self-report completed activities with an email to [email protected]:
  1. Submit an authored or co-authored article for publication in Water Resources IMPACT magazine;
  2. Submit an authored or co-authored article for publication in the peer-reviewed Journal of the American Water Resources Association (JAWRA);
  3. Present in a technical session at the 2024 Joint Water Resources Conference and be present at the Awards Ceremony. AWRA will cover the conference registration fee and lodging at the AWRA selected hotel. In addition, AWRA will provide $500 reimbursement for transportation and $100 for incidentals;
  4. Participate with an AWRA mentor in the work of one of active AWRA’s committees;
  5. Bring another water resources professional (non-AWRA member) to an AWRA conference. The scholarship winner should submit a brief memo explaining why their chosen colleague should attend the event for complimentary registration; and
  6. Make an AWRA webinar presentation.

Application Process

The application process is closed. This is a self-nomination process and applicants must complete the online form. Recipients will be notified and contacted directly by AWRA. Scholarship winners will be publicly announced during AWRA’s annual conference each fall. The successful winners will serve their “term” during the subsequent calendar year, beginning January 1. The application packet should include:

  1. Application form (name, personal contact information, professional or academic affiliation, under-represented group affiliation);
  2. A professional resume;
  3. A 300-500 word essay describing your status as an under-represented individual in a professional water resources field, length of time in this field, relevant education, highlights of relevant work to date, the contributions you would like to make in this field (aka goals statement), and any barriers you would like to identify and address; and
  4. An academic or professional letter of reference, who can speak to your (the applicant’s) ability to deliver on the commitments listed above.
Questions? Contact: [email protected]

2023-2024 Scholarship Recipient

Meet the recipient and read her bio.

Ph.D, Candidate, Systems Engineering
University of Virginia



If you actively engage in our community, your career and organization will benefit. We offer multiple opportunities for engagement via conferences, social media, webinars, committees and publications.

TEL • (540) 687-8390 | FAX • (540) 687-8395


The majority of images on our website were donated by Gary Whitton at