AWRA, UCOWR, NIWR 60th Anniversary
Joint Water Resources Conference

September 30-October 2, 2024 | St. Louis, MO | Hyatt Regency St. Louis Arch

Celebrating the Past and Planning for the Future of Water

IMPORTANT: In order to receive important communication from the AWRA/UCOWR/NIWR Team about your conference participation, you must add [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], and [email protected] to your safe sender list.

Call for Abstracts & Student Posters: Closed

Read these instructions entirely before submitting your abstract at the end of the page.

Troubleshooting: Before you submit an abstract, please do the following first:
  1. Clear your cache and cookies in the web browser and restart your computer.
  2. If the above does not work, please use a different web browser and consider using a nonwork computer. Often work computers have privacy settings that conflict with AWRA’s submission system.

The American Water Resources Association, the Universities Council on Water Resources, and the National Institutes for Water Resources are bringing together a professional community of 60 years. Join us as we “celebrate the past and plan for the future” at this one-of-a-kind conference on the banks of the Mighty Mississippi River. Attendees from each organization will have a unique opportunity to experience higher-level networking, engagement, and learning. We invite you to engage with leading researchers, educators, water managers, students, and other professionals from across the globe as we seek to develop new and innovative collaborations and transdisciplinary solutions to complex water resources challenges.

Types of Presentations

Oral Presentation - Individual Full-Length Talk (15 minutes)
Each speaker is allotted 15 minutes, including time for questions. Prepare a 13-minute presentation and allow 2 minutes for questions.

Either Oral or Poster Presentations
For those wishing to submit poster abstracts, know that poster sessions will allow each presenter to discuss their research with multiple viewers and answer questions accordingly.

Panel Sessions (You are submitting for the entire panel)
Panel sessions focus on a unified topic, with multiple brief (10 -15 minutes each) presentations and a moderated discussion by the panel organizer. Panel sessions require just one abstract, submitted by the organizer. Please advise each panelist that they must pay the registration fee.

Lightning Talks (5 minutes)
Each speaker is allotted 5 minutes to present. Once all talks are given, a question and answer period with all presenters will utilize the remaining time. All presenters must pay the registration fee.

Participatory Session (e.g., Workshops, Instruction, Demonstration)
If you would like to organize a workshop or field trip, please contact the Technical Program Co-chairs right away. We are looking for creative, original, and compelling ideas.

Poster Presentation (Individual)

NOTE: The Planning Committee will make every effort to accommodate your preferred presentation type. However, it will ultimately be up to the committee to decide where abstracts fit best within the program.

Abstract Preparation

Before submitting your abstract, please have all of the following information with you:
  • Name, title, employer, full mailing address, email address, phone number of the main contact, presenter, co-presenters and co-authors.
  • If you are submitting an abstract for a topical session, you must enter the session code. The topical session organizer will provide this, but the codes are also available as a downloadable PDF here.
  • Type of presentation: oral, poster, either oral or poster, panel.
  • Abstract title.
  • Abstract (350 words or fewer).
  • Credit card information for payment of non-refundable abstract submittal fee ($25). Payment of the abstract fee must be made before abstract submission. Multiple abstracts can be submitted but can only be made ONE AT A TIME after paying for each abstract separately. Each abstract is a non-refundable $25 fee.

Membership in AWRA is encouraged but is not a requirement for presentation. However, registration and relevant registration fees are required. Oral and poster abstracts are being sought on any topics dealing with, or related to, water. A list of possible topics common to our conferences  is viewable here. The list is not comprehensive, so feel free to use your imagination.

Abstract Submission Process

  • The abstract portal is closed.
  • Do NOT select more than one abstract submission fee at a time.
  • After payment is submitted, you will receive a link to the Abstract Submission Form in your confirmation email and on the confirmation page.
  • Complete the form and click Submit.
  • If you would like to submit another abstract, you may click on the link on the Thank You page.
Please note:
  • Purchase only ONE abstract submission fee at a time.
  • You must use the same AWRA account to submit the abstract fee and submit the abstract.
  • Abstract fees are non-refundable.

Acceptance Notification

The Program Committee will review abstracts for originality, technical merit, currency, and relevance to the Conference topics. Authors' suggestions for topic and format placement (oral, panel, or poster) will be considered, but the Committee will make the final decision. The quality of the submitted abstract will be viewed as an indication of the quality of the presentation. Previous performance or failure to give timely notification of cancellation at previous annual and specialty conferences may influence the decision for acceptance. Abstracts received after the deadline may not be considered or accepted. Acceptance notification will be emailed to the presenting author in late May. All conference attendees, including presenters, must pay the conference registration fee.

Before submitting an abstract, authors should be confident they will have funding to pay the registration fee, attend the meeting, and make the presentation. If the presenter finds he/she can't attend, they should try to find another person to make the presentation. If you must cancel your presentation, note that the cancelation date is August 9, 2024. If cancelation is unavoidable, the presenter should notify AWRA by August 9, 2024. No refunds will be made after August 9, 2024. You can, however, transfer your registration to another person. The transfer must be completed by September 16, 2024. Abstract submission fees are nonrefundable. Refunds will be processed after the conclusion of the conference. Once the technical program is complete, we cannot accommodate personal schedules. Please note that topics, themes, and sessions arranged for the program are placed where they most make sense for the flow of the entire program. Late cancelations and failure to give scheduled presentations are disruptive and leave gaps in the program that distract all attendees.

If you should have any questions about abstracts, please contact [email protected]. If you have questions related to conference registration and AWRA Membership, please contact [email protected].


AWRA Code of Conduct

All conference participants (presenters, moderators, panelists, attendees, etc.) must adhere to the AWRA Code of Conduct and must register at the appropriate registration rate. AWRA Gateway members are not eligible for discounted conference rates. The registration fees are the major source of funding for the Conference, and the sharing of registrations is prohibited - every person attending the conference must register. For presenters, if two or more individuals will be presenting, each individual must register for the conference. This includes: all technical session presenters; all panel session presenters; and all poster session presenters.

Cancelations must be made in writing. Those cancelations received by August 9, 2024, will be subject to a processing fee of 30% of the total fees. No refunds will be given after August 9, 2024, but we can transfer your registration to someone else. The transfer must be completed by September 16, 2024. Abstract submission fees are nonrefundable. Refunds will be processed after the conclusion of the conference. Conference location decisions are guided by AWRA's policy.


If you actively engage in our community, your career and organization will benefit. We offer multiple opportunities for engagement via conferences, social media, webinars, committees and publications.

TEL • (540) 687-8390 | FAX • (540) 687-8395


The majority of images on our website were donated by Gary Whitton at